October 17, 2024

Shall vs Will

When we talk about  Shall vs Will , we use them as modal verbs. Shall vs Will are used with main verbs.

(He will come; We shall appoint him. We use “Shall” for future time with I & We (Pronouns). Furthermore, it is more formal than “Will”.

Rule I: Let’s talk about shall meaning(shall vs will) –

‘Shall’ is used with “You, he, she, it & they” to denote command, promise, threatened determination, and compulsion. For examples:

(a). Command:

You shall wait outside for a while until I come back.

He shall play in her group.

She shall work day and night.

They shall clean the class.

(B.) Compulsion:

You shall study in Gurukul.

The company shall pay the salary for overtime.

They shall go to Delhi for the sake of consignment.

(C.) Threatened:

If you bunk of the classes, you shall be restricted from the school.

If he takes a bribe, he shall be suspended.

If Satish Pundir doesn’t work properly, he shall be dismissed.

(E.) Determination:

You shall learn English.

He shall be selected for a government job.

They shall feed poor to poor.

Robin shall help to stop the corruption.

Subhash Sir shall teach mathematics at an affordable fee.

Rule II (Shall vs Will): ‘Shall’ is used to express suggestions in an interrogative sentence with a first-person – I and WE. For examples:

Shall we talk to our teacher?

Shall we go to the park?

Shall I close the door?

Shall we get ready?

Shall I solve the puzzle?

Rule III (Shall vs Will) ‘Shall’ is used in the question tag of the imperative sentence, which starts with let us/ let’s. For examples:

Let us play the guitar, shall we?

Let’s complete the project, shall we?

Let’s enjoy the party, shall we?

Let’s move, shall we?

Rule IV (Shall vs Will):   ‘Shall’ is used to denote future progressive actions, permission, or desire.


I shall be writing an E-mail.

We shall be doing our task.


Shall I start?

Shall we go now?

Shall I start the presentation?

Shall we start taking food?

(b.) desire

Shall I help you in this regard?

Shall I recommend you for this post?

(c.) future continuous:

Shall I be watching a movie at night?

Shall we fight with neighbours?

Rule V:   future of “can”

  I shall be able to drive a car soon.

We shall be able to solve the Sudoku puzzles.

Rule VI:  ‘Shall’ is used to express orders, instructions, and speculations.

  • Instruction:

What shall I do for the poor?

What shall we tell you?

  • Speculations:

My exam is very near. What shall I study in two days?

Where shall we go to play badminton?

Where shall we find a confectionery shop?

  Rule VII   (Shall vs Will) Compulsion  ( will have to)

I shall have to go to market right now.

 We shall have to complete our assignment.

Rule VIII:   To express suggestions, views, or opinions; we use “should” at the moment don’t use “shall.”

In my friend’s opinion, you should not leave this town.

In my view, he should find a new job.

I suggest that you should go far away from here.

You are brilliant. I think you should join coaching classes.  

Rule VIII – Use of will with I & We:

“Will” is used with pronoun I & We to indicate the determination to accomplish the task according to plans.

For example: I will go to meet him tomorrow. We will not tolerate this misbehave.


Exercise I Shall Vs Will

Use ‘shall’ wherever it is required

Complete the sentences with given hints

  1. He said, “ I ……..  complete my course.   (future)
  2. She told me that I……….. not forgive him.  (future)
  3. This office ………… be opened from 10 am to 10 pm, if you don’t do so, you will be dismissed.  (warning)
  4.   According to my views, you…….. go by next flight.    (suggestion)
  5. You……..  do this task.    ( compulsion)
  6. He……… mop the floor.   (command or order)
  7. If you do not come on time, you……… be fired from your job.     (threatened)
  8. He ………. be selected in an NDA.  ( determination)
  9. ……….. I do shopping from there?  ( seeking suggestions.)
  10. …………… I go?    (permission)
  11. ………… I help you in this matter?   ( desire)
  12. What…….. we do now?      (guideline/instruction)
  13. I ………… (do) Yoga in the morning.  (future continuous)
  14. ………. we start the seminar?   (permission)
  15. Where………… we go for a swim?    (speculation)
  16. I ………… get up early in the morning.     (compulsion-will have to)
  17. We …………. Beat our opposite team.    ( future of can)
  18. If God helps us, We ……….never give up our hope to win.  (inevitability- trust or confidence)
  19. I shall……… to go after some time. (compulsion)
  20. I shall ………. to run fast.  (future of can)
  21. I……….. go to park the in the evening for a walk.  (negative)
  22. I’ll learn data science,…….. I?   (question tag)
  23. Let’s solve the sums, ……… we?    (question tag)
  24. We shall help him, …….we?  (question tag)
  25. Let us play chess, ……..we?  (question tag)

Rule VIII. Contraction of “Shall”

Shall + not = shan’t

I shan’t go there.

We shan’t approve his loan.


Exercise II : Will vs Shall

Use of shall with “I and We” and wherever it is required

  1.  ……… I start?
  2.  I……… be at home in the morning.
  3. ………. I come?
  4. …….. I help you?
  5. ………. I start my class?
  6. ………. I join you?
  7.  ……….. we go now, there?
  8. ……… I ask you something personal?
  9. I………. never cheat you.
  10. We……… never tell a lie to one another.

5 Revisions

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