October 22, 2024

Understanding the Classification of Verb


The verb describes an action, state, or occurrence and helps in making the predicate of a sentence.

Classification of verb:

  1. Auxiliary verbs (helping verb):

It always helps the main verb; that’s why it is called the helping verb, which expresses the tense of the sentence. Main verbs are always used according to helping verbs to express present, past, and future.

2. Ordinary or regular verbs (Classification of verb or main verbs)

  1. Types of Auxiliary verbs:
  2. Modals primary auxiliaries
  1. Primary auxiliaries (be, have, do):

The verb to be: is, are, am, was, were, be

He is playing football

Verb To have: has, have, had

To do:  do, does, did

  1. Two types of modals:
  2. primary modals b. marginal modals
  3. Primary Modals: Those add meaning to the actions which express request, permission, capacity, possibility, and obligation.

Can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, ought to, must, need, dare, used to

  1. He can beat you. (capacity)
  2. He may come. (possibility)
  3. Need you go there?
  4. Daren’t he play football with you?
  5. I usen’t/used not to smoke at a young age.
  6. Marginal modals:

Need to, dare to, used to, ought to

These are called semi-modals are used as actions (main verb).

“Need, dare, used to, ought to” are primary modals and marginal modals as well.

He doesn’t need to go there. (Need- Marginal modal)

He didn’t dare to say anything to them.   (Dare- Marginal modal)

He need not go there.    (Need- primary modal verb/modal verb)

He dared not say anything to them.   (Dare- primary modal/modal verb)

I didn’t’ use to play hide and seek.  (used to- marginal modal)

He used not to play ducks and drakes.  (used to- primary modal verb)

Types of main verbs (Classification of verb):

  1. Finite verbs

2. Non-finite verbs

3.  Transitive verb

4. Intransitive verb

 Classification of verb – Causative verbs (have, make, get, let): it refers to cause

Finite verbs:

There are two types of finite verbs

  1. Transitive verb b. intransitive verb

 Transitive verb: it has an object.

Subject + verb + object.

He helps the students.

They serve food.

He plays football.

Rahul is playing chess.

Intransitive verb (Classification of verb):  It doesn’t have an object.

Subject + verb + etc.

She knows. He plays. I don’t abuse.
He reads. They teach. They didn’t come.


  1. Non finite verbs:
  2. Infinitive gerund     c. participle
  3. Infinitive verb: he loves to dance.
  4. He started dancing.
  5. Participle: I saw him fighting at the railway station.


 Verb 1st form Verb 2nd form Verb 3rd form
Acquire Acquired acquired
Acknowledge Acknowledged acknowledged
Awake Awoke Awaken
Abide Abode Abode/abided
Abduct Abducted Abducted
Accelerate Accelerated Accelerated
Accommodate Accommodated accommodated
Accuse Accused accused
Acquit Acquitted Acquitted
Adore Adored adored
Adhere Adhered Adhered
Adjourn Adjourned Adjourned
Affirm Affirmed Affirmed
Argued Argued Argued
Astonish Astonished astonished
Avoid Avoided avoided
Bake Baked baked
Bare Bared Bared
Beat Beat Beaten
Belong Belonged Belonged
Begin Began Begun
Bend Bent Bent
Bleed Bled Bled
Bring Brought Brought
Buy Bought Bought
Beget Begot Begot/begotten
Behold Beheld Beheld/beholden
Beseech Besought Besought
Betray Betrayed Betrayed
Bellow Bellowed Bellowed
Befit Befitted Befitted
Bow Bowed Bowed
Bob Bobbed Bobbed
Carry Carried Carried
Chop Chopped chopped
Collapse Collapsed Collapsed
Collide Collided Collided
Commend Commended Commended
Comprise Comprised Comprised
Compose Composed Composed
Conclude Concluded Concluded
Compile Compiled Compiled
Compete Competed Competed
Condole Condoled Condoled
Drag Dragged Dragged
Drop Dropped Dropped
Detect Detected Detected
Determine Determined Determined
Diagnosed Diagnosed Diagnosed
Descend Descended Descended
Defy Defied Defied
Deviate Deviated Deviated
Dream Dreamt Dreamt
Disguise Disguised Disguised
Disperse Dispersed Dispersed
Distinguish Distinguished Distinguished
Dive Dived Dived
Drill Drilled Drilled
Elect Elected Elected
Extend Extended Extended
Elapse Elapsed Elapsed
Embrace Embraced Embraced
Entail Entailed Entailed
Enable Enabled Enabled
Encroach Encroached Encroached
Eradicate Eradicated Eradicated
Emit Emitted Emitted
Enhance Enhanced Enhanced
Escape Escaped  Escaped
Expand Expanded Expanded
Exist Existed Existed
Excelled Excelled Excelled
Forget Forgot Forgotten
Fall Fell Fallen
Feed Fed Fed
Fell Felled Felled
Fill Filled Filled
Forsake Forsook Forsook
Freeze Froze Frozen
Fascinate Fascinated Fascinated
Foretell Foretold Foretold
Gaze Gazed Gazed
Get Got Got/gotten
Gargle Gargled Gargled
Glance Glanced Glanced
Graze Grazed Grazed
Groan Groaned Groaned
Grieve Grieve Grieve
Hesitate Hesitated Hesitated
Hear Heard Heard
Harvest Harvested Harvested
Hatch Hatched Hatched
Hinder Hindered Hindered
Hover Hovered Hovered
Imitate Imitated Imitat


Impose Imposed Imposed
Initiate Initiated Initiated
Invade Invaded Invaded
Irrigate Irrigated Irrigated
Know Knew Known
Knock Knocked Knocked
Learn Learned/learnt Learned/learnt
Listen Listened Listened
Liberate Liberated Liberated
Lead Led Led
Make Made Made
Marry married Married
Meet met Met
Mend Mended Mended
Merge Merged Merged
Mock Mocked Mocked
Mourn Mourned Mourned
Nominate Nominated Nominated
Negotiate Negotiated Negotiated
Neglect Neglected Neglected
Nod Nodded Nodded
Open Opened Opened
Obligate Obligated Obligated
Occupy Occupied Occupied
Oppress Oppressed Oppressed
Pay paid Paid
Patrol Patrolled Patrolled
Penetrate Penetrated penetrated
Perplex Perplexed Perplexed
Persuade Persuaded Persuaded
Perceive Perceived Perceived
Perish Perished perished
Play Played Played
Plead Pleaded Pleaded
Possess Possessed Possessed
Pour Poured Poured
Prevent Prevented Prevented
Prohibit Prohibited Prohibited
Propel Propelled Propelled
Prevail Prevailed Prevailed
Pretend Pretended Pretended
Prescribe Prescribed Prescribed
Persist Persisted Persisted
Predict Predicted Predicted
Pounce Pounced Pounced
Quarrel Quarreled Quarreled
Quit Quit/quitted Quit/quitted
Rend Rent Rent
Rent Rented Rented
Raise Raised Raised
Rationalize Rationalized Rationalized
Rebuke Rebuked Rebuked
Recite Recited Recited
Rebel Rebelled Rebelled
Reap Reaped Reaped
Rectify Rectified Rectified
Reform Reformed Reformed
Reduce Reduced Reduced
Regret Regretted regretted
Refrain Refrained Refrained
Release Released Released
Reassure Reassured Reassured 
Rely Relied Relied
Repel Repelled Repelled
Resist Resisted Resisted
Ride Rod Rodden/riden
Settle Settled Settled
Sell Sold Sold
Sink Sank Sank
Sit Sat Sat
Spend Spent Spent
Shoot Shot Shot
Shake Shook Shaken
Sting Stung Stung
Strike Struck Struck
Speak Spoke Spoken
String Strung Strung
Starve Starved Starved
Summon Summoned Summoned
Swallow Swallowed Swallowed
Swing Swung Swung
Tear Tore Torn
Taste Tasted Tasted
Talk Talked Talked
Tell Told Told
Tease Teased Teased
Throw Threw Thrown
Trouble Troubled Troubled
Trample Trampled Trampled
Tie Tied Tied
Understand Understood Understood
Utilize Utilized Utilized
Work Worked Worked
Win Won Won
Wear Wore Worn
Walk Walked Walked
Write Wrote Written
Wet Wetted Wetted
Whip Whipped Whipped
Wipe Wiped Wiped
Watch Watched Watched
Wrap Wrapped Wrapped
Wring Wrung Wrung
Yield Yielded Yielded


Verbs that get you stuck                                                 

Present form I Past form II Past participle III
Arise Arose Arisen
Be Was/were Been
Bite Bit Bitten
Befall Befell Befallen
Blow Blew Blown
Bind Bound Bound
Bear Bore Borne
Bear Bore Born
Bid Bade Bidden
Cast Cast Cast
Choose Chose Chosen
Cost Cost Cost
Cling Clung Clung
Draw Drew Drawn
Drive Drove Driven/droven
Find Found Found
Fly Flew Flown
Flee Fled Fled
Forbid Forbade Forbidden
Freeze Froze frozen
Grind Ground Ground
Ground Grounded grounded
Burst Burst Burst
Hurt Hurt hurt
Bet Bet Bet
Hang Hanged Hanged
Hang Hung Hung
Bind Bound Bound
Bound Bounded Bounded
Lose Lost Lost
Lie Lied Lied
Lay  Laid Laid
Lie Lay Lain
See Saw Seen
Saw Sawed Sawed
Wind Wound Wound
Wound Wounded wounded


Exercise 1.

Write forms of the following verbs:

  1. Saw find
  2. Wind blow
  3. Bet bear
  4. Lose bind
  5. Bound hang
  6. Lie drive
  7. Lay choose
  8. Forbid wring
  9. Freeze tear
  10. Flee  fly

Exercise 2.

Rewrite the given sentences into negative and interrogative forms:

  1. I saw her.
  2. She took food.
  3. I wanted to go abroad.
  4. He forgot to return my pen.
  5. They lost their money.
  6. I found him dead.
  7. I shut the door.
  8. Nisha learnt how to dance.
  9. He stood herself.
  10. He grew the sugarcane in his fields.
  11. She speaks the truth.
  12. He has told a lie.
  13. I never follow saints.
  14. He has already gone there.
  15. He will get selected in Army soon.

Exercise 3.

 Complete the sentences with the following tense of the following given verbs :

  1. He ………. His wallet yesterday. (lose)
  2. She ………. The facts, when I met him. (conceal)
  3. When I saw her, she ……… backside to 9the door.  (hide)
  4. My friend never ……… me about her. (ask)
  5. His relatives ………. The matter. (know)
  6. He ………… Jaipur nowadays. (leave)
  7. This road ………… to Gurugram. (lead)
  8. He ……….. eighty years old. (turn)
  9. Tea ……… cold. (get)
  10. I …….. this novel last Sunday. (read)




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