March 10, 2025

Simple present Tense (I do)

Simple present Tense

The simple present tense is used to express habitual or regular or repeated action.

Main verb5 is a singular form of the verb which is used with He/she/it/name/singular noun. The main verb is known as action/verb.

He/she/it/name + action+es/s + Object + etc.

You/we/they/I + action + Object + etc.

  • He speak English  (×) He speaks English (√).

(Es) is used when action ends up with Ch/sh/x/o/ss

e.g. wash+ es= washes, splash+ es=splashes

  • Radha splashes her face every morning.
  • He washes the clothes. She goes home on foot but Rahul goes home by bus.

Here are the following examples of Simple Present tense to get to know regarding the structure that makes you perfect in speaking.

I play football. He plays football
You know him very well. She recognizes him very well.
They want to go abroad Rahul tries to solve the sums.
We get a salary late. My brother works at Infosys.
These girls love to eat pizza. This boy loves to make parathas.
My siblings learn computer. She learns the guitar.
Villagers cut the wheat with hand. My father goes to the office by train.
His brothers beat him My eldest brother never tells a lie.
Her parents scold him a lot. Her sister drives a car.
Politicians make people fool. Every student studies a lot.

 Negative Sentences

Sub does not/ do not + action + obj.

You/we/they/ I/ plural noun + do not (don’t) + action (m.v.) + obj etc.

He/she/it/name/singular noun + does not (doesn’t) + action + obj.

I do not converse with him. She doesn’t talk to me.
You don’t play cards He doesn’t play marbles.
They don’t get nervous. It doesn’t rain a lot in the desert area.
We don’t follow him. Raju doesn’t fight with neighbours.
Girls do not abuse others. This boy looks handsome.

Interrogative sentences I(Simple present Tense):

Do/does + sub + action + obj?


Do + you/we/they/I/ plural noun + action + obj?

Does + he/she/it/name/singular noun + action + obj?

Interrogative negative II:

Do/does + sub + not + action + obj?


Don’t / doesn’t + sub + action + obj?

Interrogative I:

Do you smoke? Does he smoke?
Do the students gossip in class? Does she take vodka at a party?
Do they participate in games? Does Himanshu Tyagi miss you?
Do you speak the truth? Does your friend remember you?
Do you think? Does she think?

Interrogative type II:

Do you not eat out on weekends? Don’t you eat out on weekends?
Do they not make noise here? Don’t they make noise here?
Does she not want to take the cake? Doesn’t she want to take the cake?
Do you not try to solve the riddle? Don’t you try to solve the riddle?
Do they not help you? Don’t they help you?


Wh words:

Wh word + do/does + Subject + main verb + object + etc?


  • Why do people tell a lie?
  • Where does he study?
  • When do you celebrate your birthday?
  • How do they go to school?
  • What time does Neha play badminton?

Wh words with negative implications(Simple present Tense):

Wh word + doesn’t/don’t + subject + main verb + object etc?


 Wh word + do/does + subject + not + main verb + object + etc?

  • Why don’t they speak the truth about it?
  • Why does he not study in the wee hours?
  • what time don’t they live at home?
  • Where doesn’t he go for a picnic?

Note: ‘Who’ is also an interrogative pronoun but if it is used as a subject, we make a structure like this:

Who + verb + es/s + object + etc.?

  • Who goes to a restaurant every day?
  • Who plays here? and
  • Who tells a lie?
If you know or learn something to do, a structure is to be made with Simple Present tense:

Subject + knows/know + how to action.

Subject + learns/learn + how to action.


  • He knows how to read Urdu?
  • She doesn’t know how to speak English.
  • Don’t you know how to play the flute?
  • Doesn’t she know how to surf the net?
  • I don’t know how to prepare coffee.
  • My brother doesn’t know to read English.



Choose verb and fill in the blanks:
  1. What …….. the teachers teach in your institute? (does   b. had  c. do  d. have)
  2. ……. your dog sleep on the bed? (Do   b. does  c. have  d. had)
  3. What time …… your brother ….. to the office? (Do/go  b. does/go  c. have/go  d. has/go)
  4. I don’t know why teenagers ……….. liquor. (Takes  b. took   c. take   d. taken)
  5. …….. he know how to play the guitar? (Do    b. have   c. has   d. does)
  6. Where do you …….. for a morning walk? (Gone    b. go  c. goes   d. went)
  7. Why ……. The brilliant students ……….. in their future? (Do, get failed    b. does, get failed    c. do, gets failed   d. does, gets failed)
  8. Who ……… English very well? (Does know   b. do know   c. know   d. knows)
  9. Does she know ……..? (Dance  b. to dance   c. how to dance d. how to dances)
  10. Does he learn ……….? (How to swim  b. to swim    c. swim    d. to swims)

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