Could (Modal Verb) – Use of Could
Could (Modal Verb) ‘Could’ (modal verb) is used to ask questions politely, Could you help me? Could you suggest me regarding my career? Could you …
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Could (Modal Verb) ‘Could’ (modal verb) is used to ask questions politely, Could you help me? Could you suggest me regarding my career? Could you …
Uses of Verb to be is used in various ways: Present continuous tense (progressive actions -Form Of ‘To Be’ ): Sub + is/are/am + m.v. …
The Verb ‘To Be’ ‘Be’ is an irregular verb that is used as a helping verb and main verb as well. The present form of …
Passive Infinitive Infinitive functions as a noun and at the same time display some qualities of a verb that is used with ‘to’ except with …
Three types of participles
Present participles, past participles, perfect participles
Passive Voice of Imperative Sentences Imperative sentences are followed by request, command and order etc. I: Let + object + be + verb III …
Passive Voice of Tenses Simple present: Object + is/are/am + m.v. III + by subject. Active: He plays football for Indian Team. Passive: football is …
Passive Voice of Modals Rules of verb ‘to be’: Modals: Object Can/could/may/might/should Must/ought/would Be + m.v.3 Examples: Active Passive Rahul can beat him. He can …
Voice Two types of voice Active voice: active voice expresses a sentence as a subject that acts upon its verb. Sub + transitive verb …
These sentences end with an exclamation mark.
Have a look some examples of optative sentences:
May God bless you!
Wish you a very happy married life!
May God save you!
May God have mercy on your child!
May you live a long life!
May you win the match!