March 11, 2025

Passive Infinitive – Voice

Passive Infinitive

 Infinitive functions as a noun and at the same time display some qualities of a verb that is used with ‘to’ except with auxiliary verbs and some other verbs.

Infinitive: ‘to be done (Passive voice)

Sentence structure of Passive Infinitive: Object + “to be + m.v.3,” + by Subject

Have a look at examples of Passive Infinitive

Ought to :

When we talk about our country, One should keep only one thing in one’s mind

 that work for the sake of the country ought to be done not only by soldiers but also every citizen must take part in it.

Garbage ought to be thrown in the dustbin.

 Our country ought to be loved.

Terrorists oughtn’t to be sheltered across the world.

Has to /have to (Passive Infinitive):

He had to be fired. If they commit mistakes again, they have to be warned.
He has to be insulted. He has to be nipped in the bud.
He has to be taught a lesson. She will have to be fired.

Is to/ are to/ am to (Passive Infinitive):

It is to be done. Homework is to be done.
He is to be scolded. D.M. is to be invited.
Today is a wedding ceremony. The car is to be decorated. This box is to be lifted.
Am I to be reexamined? They are to be invited.
Is it to be checked? They are to be married.
He is to be married. She is to be punished.

Was to/were to:

She was to be suspended. Your friends were to be beaten by them.
Work hard was to be done at a young age. He was to be punished yesterday by his father.  
Who was to be invited? Who were you to be invited?

Want to:

Do you want to be rusticated?

He doesn’t want to be sent to the hostel.

I want him to be reinstated in his post. (reinstate- to put someone back in a job)

Need to:

He needs to be hospitalized. The beggar needs to be fed.
He needs to be admitted to the hospital. He has to be punished.

Try to:

I try him to be scolded.

I will try for him to be admitted to a good hospital in Delhi.

Supposed to (Passive Infinitive):

You are supposed to be awarded.

You are supposed to be given a bronze medal.

Be able to:

My younger brother isn’t able to be trained for this work.

He wasn’t able to be learnt English by me.

These posters were able to be stuck on the wall.

Used to:

He used to be punished in childhood by teachers. She used to be scolded by her brother.  
He used to be scolded by his elder sister. They used to be rusticated in school days.
He used to be punished by her mother. She used to be scolded by her teacher.
Going to (Passive Infinitive):
This project is going to be completed soon. My homework isn’t going to be finished now. Time will be taken more to finish it.
Are you going to be punished for stealing money? Is she going to be ridden to the Meerut City railway station?
She isn’t going to be sent to the hostel. He was going to be sent to Jail.

Change into Passive Voice

  1. She is to write a novel.
  2. I am to find a new way.
  3. You are to read an English grammar book.
  4.  He was to attend the meeting.
  5.  Were you to learn a foreign language?
  6. She has to cook food.
  7.  We have to climb the mountain.
  8.  I had to steal money.
  9.  She will have to do a job.
  10.   You ought to develop your village.

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